Communication 01272021: Literacy

The Magic Lock

Fever, dry cough. fatigue and tiredness?   Oh I have had these.  Men have made general symptoms a part of every day life to keep us in terror .

It is winter and amazing little birds and animals who God loves manage to survive in very cold weather. You are also important to God.

“Cold weather can produce a serious cough.  You can even catch a cold in the winter.” says a homeless man who continues “The common cold can produce fever, cough. fatigue and tiredness.”

“Take care of your mind and your health.  Doctors are being brought to justice. ” says the Prophet

“Do you miss Donald Trump  already?  Businesses & Organizations are being brought to justice too.” says the witness to the judgment of Jehovah.

“Aches and pains!” screams a doctor .

“Anyone can have aches and pains,” responded the Homeless Man. “Life is about aches and pains especially for the aged and especially when you sneeze and contract a cold.”

“Sore throat?” queries the doctor in a gentle voice. “You may have the coronavirus”

“Who hasn’t had a soar throat in their life?”says the homeless man.

“Diarrhea. Now thats coronavirus,” says the doctor

“Diarrhea is from an infection in your digestive system,” says the homeless man.  Causing it is easy if you know how to contaminate peoples food and the water supply.”

“Diarrhea  is a symptom that something is wrong with your digestive track, something you ate or drank,” adds the street lady

“Conjunctivitis, now thats coronavirus,” says the doctor

“Conjunctivitis whats your function?  Making up words that have scary appearances,” sings the street lady

“Conjunctivitis is not so scary. Macular degeneration, now that is scary,” says the homeless man “Conjunctivitis (or pink eye) is an inflammation (swelling), an irritation of the eye.  It is not so common in adults and children unless induced, but when it happened to me as an adult, and I have had pink eye a lot, usually an allergic reaction from petting a stray cat.  It goes away between sunrises, never one coronavirus incident. I once used saline drops and cleaned my eyes and I said to myself if it got worse I would see a doctor.  Thankfully, it never got worse. “

“Headaches, now thats coronavirus,” says the doctor

“I have a headache,”  said the homeless man sarcastically, “I guess I must have the coronavirus.”

“It is combination of symptoms” says the doctor “Like a lock which magically opens with any combination.”

“I’ll stick to lung cancer and pneumonia” says a homeless man who living on the street, never caught coronavirus.

“These masks!  All these people, look ridiculous.” says the street lady.  “And they say I am crazy.”

“Lung cancer and pneumonia” says another homeless person, “Now those diseases have more logic to them.”

“A disease usually does,” says the street lady ,”

“A real disease has no magical combinations, but fixed observable signs” says the homeless man who never got sick.

 “Lung cancer comes from smoking,”  says the street lady

“Even if  you smoke there  are no guarantees that you are going to catch lung cancer,” said the homeless man who never got sick.  “But if you do, at least you know you are guilty and no doctor has to convince you that you did not contribute to your cause.   Don’t smoke.”

“Pneumonia is nasty disease, said the street lady  “With pneumonia your lungs fill up with liquid. “

“When you are sick with pneumonia, and it can be induced by experts, ” says the homeless man who never got sick “You run the risk of dying.”

“Loss of taste or smell.  Now thats coronavirus,” says the doctor.

“It is combination of symptoms,” says the homeless man imitating the doctor sarcastically  “Like a lock which magically opens with any combination.”

“Loss of taste or smell can be induced, but this is not coronavirus.” says the street lady . “If this happens there is a  problem with your nerves (CNS) The central nervous system which is not known to shut down your lungs.”

“Coronavirus is a hoax!” yells the homeless man and leader of a coalition of homeless men who never got sick.

“Loss of speech or movement.  This is also very rare and  is a neurological disorder,  ( a brain disorder of central nervous system.) says the street lady.

“But it is a  combination of  these” argues the doctor again

  “Like a lock which magically opens with any combination.”  finishes the street lady.

“It a conspiracy!”yells president of the coalition of homeless men who never got sick.

“Surely it is an Omega Man conspiracy.,”  comments another

“Coronavirus doctors strive to close the lungs or make you believe your lungs are closing by using false imagery, even if you have no problems with your lungs.” says the president of the coalition of homeless men who never got sick.

“A rash on the skin.  If you have a rash on your skin,” now thats coronavirus,” says the doctor.

How ridiculous is that!” exclaims the homeless man who never got sick

“Take some Lubriderm and place it on the rash.” Thats what I would do” said the street lady

“Look at all these people wearing masks!”said the doctor

“Well I guess then everything must be true,”  says the president of the coalition of homeless men who never got sick.

“A discoloration of fingers or toes,” argues the doctor “Now thats coronavirus,.

“Sounds like poor circulation to me, ”   says the homeless man

“The serious symptoms” says the doctor “The chest pain and pressure.  Now thats a coronavirus”

“Sounds like a heart attack to me” responds the homeless  man, “and a heart attack is always serious.”

“Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Now that is coronavirus” argues the doctor.

“Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath can be produced by anxiety, a heart attack, or exerting yourself while wearing  a coronavirus mask (lack of oxygen), ” argues president of the coalition of homeless men who never got sick.

“Even if a person has pneumonia, which is considered a very serious illness,  people’s lungs do not close and they can still breath” added the street lady.

“Being in poor physical condition and smoking can cause cancer and give you shortness of breath” adds the homeless man.

“It is combination of symptoms” says  the street lady taking her turn “Like a lock which magically opens with any combination.”

“Gingivitis,  now that

Looking on the Editor of the Coronavirus times speaks to his assistant “we need to have the last word on this. Call the office and tell them we need thousands of stories back dated about homeless people getting sick and dying on the street.”

“So you want me to have everyone lie and write and publish back articles?”   asked the assistant

“Yes,” says the editor of the Coronavirus Times, “It is our conspiracy and no one is going to take it away.”

Looking for something to read? Looking for something to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.